Starting a Charitable Canister Program. There is a belief that if you put a charitable canister out in public the money will come with relative ease. Sounds good, but the reality is a successful canister program is hard, strategic work, involving; planning, budget, legal considerations, good charitable partners, dependent product, marketing/promotion, public relations, organization and security. It's not that you cannot have a successful program lacking in any one of the areas, but success is a relative word. You may only want a few dollars a week from one canister at one location, the family retail business.
If the goal is to collect tens of thousands or millions of dollars each year, that's what NorthGreen specializes in with its business partners.
Legal Considerations. Know the laws governing charitable collections within each state you intend to expand. Please review all state laws with your attorney general office prior to implementing your donation canister program.
National Association of Attorneys General